Jesus College Submissions Portal

Jesus College Submissions Portal

Jesus College Access & Outreach: Travel Expenses Claim Form


This form is for participants on Jesus College outreach programmes to submit their travel expense claim and digital copy of supporting receipts. 

Please read this form and associated instructions carefully and have the appropriate information ready before you begin your submission.

Please complete this online form in English. Note: This secure portal works most effectively via a PC/laptop web browser. If you experience issues with submitting please try an alternative browser. If you have any queries or issues with the form, please contact Megan Lee on 

* Denotes mandatory field  

Privacy Policy and Data Statement

Data Storage

Student data will be stored on a database in accordance with Jesus College’s Data Protection Policy, which can be found here: 

Safeguarding of children’s personal data

Jesus College complies with the Age Appropriate Design Code for the safeguarding of children’s personal data when using online services. Full information about this can be found in the ‘Code of Practise on Children and Vulnerable Adults’ section here: 

Data Sharing

Your data submitted within this form will only be used by Jesus College for the purposes of processing your travel claim. 

Your Rights

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 you have the right to a copy of the data held about you by us. If you have any concerns about the use of data for these purposes or would like a copy of the data you have supplied directly to us, requests should be made in writing on:  


Claim Terms and Conditions Statement

The Summer School participant (or their parent/carer) may claim reasonable travel costs for the participant’s return journey to Oxford.

The claim will only be approved and processed in accordance with the following:

  • Unless agreed in advance in writing by Leah Carvel, claims must be in line with the conditions set out in the Travel Expenses Policy already provided
  • The Claimant is responsible for submitting correct payment details in order for Jesus College to pay the claim. Jesus College will not be responsible for any missing or misdirected payments made due to the Claimant providing incorrect information.  
  • Eligible claims WILL NOT be processed until after the event is complete and may take up to 28 days to be processed.

The Claimant must ensure they thoroughly check their details before submitting this online form. Any changes requested once payment has been processed cannot be accepted.  


Claimant's Personal Details

The Claimant is the person the payment will be made to.

First name and surname. This is the person making the claim and to whom payment will be made.
Please enter the Summer School participant's name if different from the Claimant
Enter email address in the first space and confirm underneath where indicated. The addresses must match exactly with no additional spaces or characters.

Claimant's Payment Details

Please provide the UK bank details to which the claim should be paid. 

The SIX digit sort code for your account.
The EIGHT digit number for your account.


Claim Value and Receipts

Please complete the travel claim details below and upload digital copy/copies of your receipts where indicated - see instructions in the appropriate section.


Where indicated below, please enter brief details describing your travel claim. E.g.

  • for public transport: "return rail fare from Swansea to Oxford" 
  • for mileage: "one return car journey from Wrexham to Oxford at 150 miles each way"

NB: Mileage is reimbursed at the rate of 45p per mile. Please refer to the Travel Expense Policy for full details about eligible claims. 

Do not include the £ sign.


Other than where mileage is claimed, complete and accurate receipts MUST be provided in order for your claim to be approved and processed. Receipts should show the dates of travel and destinations and MUST align with the amount being claimed. 

Please upload a digital copy of your receipt(s) where indicated below. A digital image or screenshot is fine. Acceptable file types are: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpeg or .png. Please ensure any images are CLEAR and show ALL of the receipt(s).

A maximum of six files can be uploaded of no more than 25mb in total.

If you experience issues with the upload or do not have compatible file types please email your receipts to - please include your full name when forwarding any receipts!  

A maximum of six files can be uploaded of no more than 25mb in total. Acceptable file types are: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpeg or .png.

Drag and drop files here or select files...

    Signature and Submit

    Where indicated below, please write your full name followed by the date to sign this form.

    By pressing the ‘submit’ button below, you will finish and submit your travel claim.

    Please only submit ONCE.

    If you need to make any changes to your information after submission, please contact Megan Lee on

    Please remember that changes requested after your claim has been processed will be too late and cannot be accepted.

    You should receive an automated email confirming your submission has been received. If this does not come through within 2 hours (please check your junk/spam folders), please contact Megan via the email above who will be able to advise.